Sunday, December 27, 2009

The best is yet to come!

2009 is drawing to a close and I must say, it has truly been a year of growth, submission and revelation. Even with all of the challenges that we as a nation face along with hurdles I have tackled personally, I still give abundant thanks and unending praise to GOD!
In hindsight, I can say that the challenges I have faced, as well as those I witness others endure were truly challenges that allowed me to discover a reservoir of strength that has laid dormant within me for way a long time.
With 2010 ahead, I sense, believe and receive that the best is truly yet to come.
I just have this indescribable feeling that in this New Year, a new and stronger foundation will be formed for many.

Here’s a thought…in order to stand strong, your foundation must be strong.
It’s not a profound thought but it is one that is simply fact. So for me, I’m letting this one take root in every aspect of my life.

With that being said and with a few days remaining in 2009.. I'm off to partake in a hiatus of reflection to prepare for God's best that is truly yet to come! I bid you all, peace that surpasses understanding, passion that leads you to fulfill purpose and unyielding love in which you can share with the masses. Live your best life on purpose and for purpose.
In the words of inspirational singer Vickie Yohe—“no limit and no boundaries, I see increase all around me!” I hope you see increase in your life as well, it's there.. all you have to do is believe and receive or in other words...have faith and do good works.

Peace and Blessings-- to you without end!

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